My Country, My Parents (2021)

My Country, My Parents (2021)

Released on April 2, 2021 in China,

My Country, My Parents is a touching family drama film that showcases the highs and lows of four families spanning multiple generations.

Genres of this movie are Drama and Family.

The runtime of the movie is 146 minutes and currently the status is completed.

As per certain ratings guidelines this movie is rated 13plus for its thematic elements and is given 8.1 from 10 star rating.

The movie focuses on the shifting values and cultural norms of modern-day China, exploring themes such as family, love, and the complexities of relationships.

From arranged marriages to personal freedom, My Country, My Parents explores it all, weaving a rich tapestry that effortlessly tugs at the heartstrings.

Credits of the movie will go to Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng, Wu Yanshu, and others.

The stars include Xu Zheng, Zhang Ziyi, Ge You, and Shen Teng.

As for the crew, we have notable names like Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, and Wen Muye as the movie’s directors.